We visited Geological Museum located inside Saint Petersburg Mining University. Not to be confused with Saint Petersburg State University. They are different universities. My impression was how big the museum was! They are around 20 halls with a total area of 4000 square meters. Here are the photos.
A hallway inside the museum with figures who played a major role in the development of mining in Russia on the wall. (Photo by me)
A hall with mining equipment miniatures. (Photo by me) |
A hall with rock collection. (Photo by me)
Everyone seemed enthusiastic. (Photo by me)
There's this diorama too. (Photo by me) |
I don't remember what we looked at but we were really serious. Bia's expression made this photo looks hilarious. (Photo by Dolo) |
There's this church too inside the museum. (Photo by me)
After that, we moved to VNIIOkeangeologia to attend the next 3 courses. The first lecture started with the Offshore Soil Survey from Andrey Loktev. This lecture explained about surveys carried out at offshore sites, such as geotechnical, geophysical, oceanography, ecology, and geodetical survey. It's quite interesting. One of the aims of these surveys is to minimalize the effect of mining.
The second lecture was Seafloor Massive Sulphides by Georgy Cherkasov. As usual, I really like the explanation. At the end of the lecture, I understand deeper about Seafloor Massive Sulphides, one of the three types of deep-sea minerals. Its definition, history of discovery, and the environmental issues regarding this deposit.
The last one was the Metalliferous Sediments given by Artyom Bach. Yup. That Artyom that I always mention him on every post. He talked about metalliferous sediment, the history of this deposit, and how this deposit can be used as an instrument to reconstruct a hydrothermal activity with an example of a case study on the hydrothermal field Pobeda at Mid Atlantic Ridge. Wow, that was long. Too much information at that time. But then I reviewed it again, it's a really interesting topic.
Saint Petersburg was really sunny that day. More beautiful than days before. We didn't waste our time taking so many pictures. These are the photos we took today.
A crossroads on the north side of Neva River. The street is 8-Ya Liniya. (Photo by me) |
People were enjoying the sun on the bank of Neva River. (Photo by me) |
Neva River with Blagoveshchenskiy Bridge in the distance. (Photo by me) |
Neva River from Blagoveshchenskiy Bridge. (Photo by Dolo) |
English embankment on the other side of the river. (Photo by me) |
That's enough for today. Thank you, guys!
Read the other stories from this post series on this link: http://www.abialghifari.com/2020/10/isa-training-story-complete-list.html
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